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2020/2021 Recap

An intro and 2020

At the start of 2020 I knew absolutely nothing about music. I'd always wanted to learn piano but hadn't ever touched one. I grew up in a fairly musical household but apart from a one week half hearted attempt to learn the guitar around the age of ten I'd never shown any interest. So when work slowed down a bit in the summer of 2020 I subscribed to an app called Playground Sessions and fooled around with it on a cheap small midi controller for six months plugged directly into an iPad.

By October I was hooked but felt like I wasn't progressing as fast as I'd like to, so I picked up a fully weighted 88 key midi controller, found a local tutor(virtual at first due to covid, in person came later), and started making much faster progress. The midi controller came with a copy of Ableton, Analog Lab V, and one or two other Arturia plugins. So in December I started this Ableton course But I didn't get very far until the following year.


  • Learned some very basic piano skills
  • Learned to read sheet music
  • Bought a nice keyboard to play on
  • Found a great local piano tutor
  • Pushed some buttons in Ableton, got scared, ran away


In 2021 I really dived(dove?) in, I finished a coursera course on basic music theory and a LinkedIn Learning course on ableton. I picked up some studio monitors and an audio interface so I could actually play out loud for my wife, I learned way more than I ever thought I'd want to about how computer audio works. Spent way more than I ever want to again random audio software(oh god can music be expensive)

What's Next?

So what's next? Well, I probably have at least another year of creating stuff that will hurt better musician's ears, but I also improve at things a lot faster when I have some extrinsic motivation. So I'm going to try and post here at least once a week to document my progress and put out a lot of amateur music. I've got a stack of theory/composition books I want to work through, some goals on how many songs I want to put out and hopefully I can stumble across a few other people who can give me solid constructive criticism as I grow as a musician. 2022 Goals post incoming soon.